TCGP Kit Repricer

What is the Repricer?

The repricer is a pricing workflow tool that allows you to mass price your TCGPlayer inventory quickly and efficiently. In seconds, you can update pricing across your entire inventory or filter select products to only reprice certain portions of your inventory.

Start the Pricing Workflow

TCGP Kit Start Pricing Workflow Example

To start the pricing workflow navigate to the Pricing tab in the sidebar. First, ensure that you have csv data uploaded to the application. If valid csv data is uploaded you will be able to see the Pricing Tools toolbar. You can then click on the Start Pricing Workflow button to begin repricing.

CSV Validation

TCGP Kit CSV Validation Example

Before repricing your inventory, the pricing workflow first validates your TCGPlayer csv data to ensure there are no errors that would prevent accurate repricing. After a short delay, you will be shown a validation summary that details how much data was processed as well as the number of listings that had warnings or errors.

Listings with warnings are listings that are missing recommended information but will not cause errors with the repricing process. They are safe to move forward with but good to note.

Listings with errors are considered invalid listings and either contain information that is not expected or are missing critical data that would cause errors in the repricing process. These invalid listings are removed from the csv data when you hit Accept and Continue and will not be repriced by the workflow.

Step 1 - Product Selection

TCGP Kit Product Selection Example

The first official step in the pricing workflow is your product selection. By default, all products available in your inventory are selected to be analyzed and repriced. If that is your intention, then you can click next and continue on. If you would like to only reprice specific product lines, sets, rarities, or conditions, then you can use the filters to narrow down a specific selection to reprice.

Step 2 - Pricing Information

On step 2 of the pricing workflow, you will select parameters for the repricer to follow as it reprices your inventory.

TCGP Kit Comparison Price Example

First, you will select a Comparison Price that the workflow will use as the basis for repricing. You can choose from TCG Low Price, TCG Market Price, TCG Direct Low Price, or an average between the TCG Low Price and the TCG Market Price. This gives you flexibility to choose different base prices to use for your pricing strategy.

TCGP Kit Price Adjustment Example

You can then optionally add additional Price Adjustments. If you simply want to reprice to match one of the above comparison prices, you can leave all these fields untouched. However, depending on your pricing strategy, you may want to adjust your price beyond just matching a comparison price. With the Price Adjustment tools, you can further adjust your prices above or below your selected comparison price by either a percentage or fixed dollar amount.

Finally, you also have the ability to set a Minimum Price which will ensure that you have a safe pricing floor that your price will never dip below, regardless of all of your other price adjustments.

Step 3 - Summary

TCGP Kit Workflow Summary Example

The final step in the pricing workflow is a summary of all of the product selections, price rules, and price adjustments that you have made. Carefully review these details before running the repricer.

Repricing Preview

TCGP Kit Repricing Preview Example

After the repricer has run, you will be presented with a summary of the pricing actions that have been taken on your inventory. The pricing table will display all of the listings that you selected for repricing. Listings that have been affected by your pricing rules will be highlighted in red or green to indicate the direction of the price change for that listing.

TCGP Kit Edit Price ExampleTCGP Kit Confirm Price Example

If you need to edit pricing for specific individual listings, you can do so by clicking the edit icon beside that listing's TCG Marketplace Price. You can then make your changes, save, and it will be updated in the pricing preview.

If there are any issues with your repriced inventory you can use the Reset Prices button in the Pricing Tools toolbar. Otherwise, if everything looks acceptable to you, you can use the Export Updated CSV button in the toolbar. This will start a download for a new csv with your repriced inventory, which you can then upload to your TCGPlayer account to update your prices on the platform. Once you have exported an updated csv, TCGP Kit will automatically repopulate the rest of the app with the new pricing information.